A Crisis of Confidence.
A crisis of confidence, also know as "transition" is the time when a women in labour moves from labour to birth, or from first stage to second. This time is the only time in labour where Adrenalin works with contractions and not against them. Adrenaline surges through her body to prepare her to become a mother. It surges through her body to prepare her to be born again, and these surges awaken her from her labour trance so she can instinctively receive her baby from her womb.
Labouring women in this stage of labour need constant dedicated support from the one's she love's, and guidance from those she can trust. As she is experiencing a feeling that she has never before. A feeling of overwhelm. An unexplainable intensity. If she and her partner have invested in quality childbirth education, such as Calmbirth, she will be reminded of this stage, and will remember that this is the stage in labour that will closely be followed by becoming a mother.
After working with a woman in labour her transition stood out to me like a moment of strength and uncertainty. The words in the poem that follow, flew effortlessly on to my notebook as I reflected on her birth as her midwife and as a mother.

How to dig deep in the last moments.
How can we think it will get better in that moment, when we feel we cannot go on.
Don’t think just do.
When we feel our body is working to its full capacity and unsure which way to go.
Don’t think just do.
When the surges of love have an intensity unlike any love you have experienced in your entire life.
Don’t think just do.
When the affirmations read aloud leave you clinging on with trust and surrender.
Don’t think just do.
The cool cloths of comfort and the comforting words gently spoken allow you to breathe a little deeper to get through.
Don’t think just do.
Your greatest achievement almost accomplished, but the finish line still not in sight.
Don’t think just do.
All hormones peak to guide your baby through.
Don’t think just do.
Don’t allow your body to get stuck in a position that doesn’t serve you and the process.
Don’t think just do.
Move and moan if you feel the release.
Don’t think just do.
You have dedicated your time and effort in preparing for this day, as you journey from maiden to mother. Feel the surges of love, welcome the expansion with trust and surrender to the power within.